How to rebroadcast Bitcoin transaction

How to rebroadcast Bitcoin transaction

Robert McDougall 

January 9, 2024


Every single Bitcoin transaction needs to be confirmed and validated by a group of miners before it can be approved and reach its final destination. Of course, miners are paid a specific fee for doing so, depending on the block size, network congestion, and a few other things. But the thing is, sometimes those Bitcoin transactions do not go through and remain unconfirmed for several days and even months.

So, is there a solution that you can use here to fix this problem and get your Bitcoin transaction confirmed by the miners? There definitely is! You can simply broadcast your Bitcoin transaction, and the process will help you get it confirmed. But the question here is, how can you rebroadcast a Bitcoin transaction? Keep on reading the article, and you will get answers to each of your questions, including some information that you should know about.

   Key Takeaways

  • Whenever a transaction is initiated, it becomes available on the memory pool and this is where the miners, who are provided with a fee, choose a transaction to process
  • Miners usually choose transactions with higher fees first
  • If there is a lot of network traffic and/or the hash rate is low, the speed at which your transaction will be processed will also be lowered
  • Three ways to rebroadcast your Bitcoin transaction: RBF, Third-party transaction accelerators, and CPFP

How do the miners pick transactions to validate?

Whenever a transaction is initiated, it is made available on the memory pool. The memory pool is where miners have to pick the transactions to validate and confirm. Now what happens here is that miners are also provided with the fee they would be getting for verifying a particular transaction. But they usually go with the transactions offering more mining fees, leaving the others behind. So if your transaction is one of those that have been left behind by the miners, it will be canceled or remain unconfirmed for an undefined period of time.

Common reasons behind BTC transactions remaining unconfirmed

There are a few reasons why BTC transactions can remain unconfirmed, and those reasons are mentioned below:

  • Mining fee: This is the reason that I have already mentioned earlier, and you know how miners prefer transactions with higher mining fees.
  • Network traffic: The more traffic is on the network, the more time it will take to confirm your transaction. In short, your transaction will remain unconfirmed for a longer time if the network traffic is higher.
  • Hash rate: Another aspect that affects the confirmation period of your transaction is the hash rate the miner is mining the block and confirming your transaction. If the hash rate is lower, it will obviously take more time for your transaction to get confirmed.

How to rebroadcast a Bitcoin transaction?

Finally, how can you rebroadcast a Bitcoin transaction that has been unconfirmed for a long time and you cannot wait further? In that case, there are several methods that can help you out.

Replace-by-Fee Method (RBF)

RBF is simply the method of replacing an already-sent transaction with a new one. This method is used because now you can send a new transaction with a higher fee so that it can be accepted by the miners. But to use this method, you will have to opt for crypto wallets that actually support the RBF method. With this technique, you can get your transaction through without unpleasant scenarios.

Third-party transaction accelerators

Transaction accelerators do quite a simple job, as they help users determine and evaluate what is the best possible mining fee for their transaction to get accepted by miners in an instant. So if your transaction is stuck and has been unconfirmed for a long time, you can simply copy its TRX ID and paste it into any of the third-party transaction accelerators. After the evaluation, the accelerator will let you know what the optimal mining fee you should set this time is.

Child Pays For Parent (CPFP)

Yes, it is quite an interesting name, but it does help a lot when it comes to getting your transactions rebroadcasted. CPFP is a similar method to RBF, but in this case, a separate child transaction is created with a higher fee than the previous unconfirmed transaction. When it is listed on the memory pool, miners are forced or encouraged to confirm the parent transaction first and then move on to the child transaction. Because otherwise, a single child transaction cannot be confirmed without its parent transaction.


In the end, there are several options available for you to go with and rebroadcast your Bitcoin transaction. Just keep the essential things in mind and do not make the same mistakes as before to get your transaction through. provides all its content for informational purposes only, and this should not be taken as financial advice to buy, trade or sell cryptocurrency or use any specific exchange. Please do not use this website as investment advice, financial advice or legal advice, and each individual's needs may vary from that of the author. This post includes affiliate links with our partners who may compensate us. 

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