How to use Antminer S7 | A simple guide

How to use Antminer S7 | A simple guide

Robert McDougall 

January 9, 2024


There are two ways to get popular crypto – buy it or mine it yourself. However, to mine and receive crypto as a reward, you need to invest in mining hardware.

The mining process includes solving a complex math puzzle, which means that different mining hardware would be suitable for different coins. If you are interested in Bitcoin, Bitmain is the best and most popular mining hardware manufacturer you should check out. In this article, we will explain how to use Antminer S7.

   Key Takeaways

  • You need a high-end power supply unit with ten PCI-E 6-pin connectors
  • Antminer S7 has self-sufficient cooling system
  • For ideal hashrates, keep the temperature below 60°C
  • Green LED means the Antminer S7 is mining with no issues
  • Red LED means there is an error, such as overheating

What is Crypto Mining?

Cryptocurrency mining is a process of creating new coins by solving complex mathematical problems using powerful hardware. It includes confirming data blocks and attaching them to the blockchain, and is highly secured by various encryptions.

In the past, you could simply use a computer device that has a good CPU or GPU. Today, however, mining for Bitcoin requires specialized mining hardware known as ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). If you have the time and skills, you can build your own ASIC miner. If you don’t, there are several companies that sell great ASIC miners, with Bitmain being one of the most popular.

Antminer S7 | Setup and How to Use

Antminer S7 represents a huge jump in efficiency from S5. Efficiency is doubled through the use of BM1385 chips, while the hash density is around four times higher. The Antminer S7 doesn’t require an external controller, but it doesn’t come with a power supply. Read on to find out how to set up and use Antminer S7.


Since it doesn’t come with a power supply, you will need to buy a high-end power supply unit with ten PCI-E 6-pin connectors. Note that all 10 connectors are required.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you need to tell PSU to always be turned on since there is no motherboard to take care of that. Simply take a paperclip and form it into a U shape, then insert one end into the green wire, and another end into the closest black wire. Make sure to put some tape over it for safety. From then on, the PSU will be controlled by its switch on the back.


Many miners are worried about cooling the hardware. However, you don’t have to worry or do anything about cooling with Antminer S7 because it is self-sufficient.

The miner comes with two high-pressure fans that spin at 4,000 RPM, which is quite loud. If the level of noise is too much, you can always underclock it to decrease the spinning speed.

Wiring and Configuration

When it comes to wiring, the first thing you should do is make sure that PSU is controlled by its own switch, which we explained above. Then, plug in the PCI-E cables to the miner, and plug in the ethernet cable from the miner to your router.

Now that the wiring is done, we need to configure the hardware. First, power on the PSU using its switch, but make sure that the DHCP cable on the router is on. If you have a standard router, it is already turned on.

Then, open your browser and find the IP that your router has assigned the Antminer S7, then navigate to that IP. Log in using “root” for both credentials, and go to Status > Miner Configuration. Enter the pool info in the following format:




Finally, go to Miner Status to make sure that the mining has started.


What temperature should I aim for?

If you aim for ideal hash rates, keep the temperature below 60°C. If you want to ensure the longevity of the hardware, make sure not to go over 70°C.

What do LEDs on the Miner Mean?

The green LED will be on when mining, while the red LED turns on in case of error or overheating.

How to Reset all Settings to Default?

You can easily reset all settings to default using a paperclip. Use it to press the reset button near the ethernet connector and hold it for a few seconds. provides all its content for informational purposes only, and this should not be taken as financial advice to buy, trade or sell cryptocurrency or use any specific exchange. Please do not use this website as investment advice, financial advice or legal advice, and each individual's needs may vary from that of the author. This post includes affiliate links with our partners who may compensate us. 

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