CryptoTaxCalculator Promo Code

CryptoTaxCalculator Promo Code

Robert McDougall

January 8, 2024


Does CryptoTaxCalculator offer coupon codes? does not offer coupon codes, but they do have referral links that provide new users with discounts on their subscription. Currently, their offer is 20% discount on your 1st year subscription on any plan you choose! This is the link you need to use to redeem the offer:

When you click on this link to sign up with CryptoTaxCalculator, the discount will be automatically added to your account.

How do I claim 20% discount at CryptoTaxCalculator?

To receive the discount, click on this link and then Sign Up using either your Google account or email address. The 20% discount will be applied when you purchase your subscription.

What does CryptoTaxCalculator promo code do?

When you sign up using the referral code, you receive 20% discount on your first year subscription on any plan. 

Can I share this referral link with friends and family?

Yes, you can share this link with your friends and family. However, don't delay, as this promo discount will not be around forever.

What is CryptoTaxCalculator? is one of the best crypto tax software in Australia. It is easy to use, and will take care of all your crypto tax needs so you don't have to work it out yourself.

Where can I get FREE crypto?

While CryptoTaxCalculator is a crypto tax software, there are plenty of crypto exchanges in Australia where you can receive free Bitcoin for signing up. Here is a list of them, with our unique links.

Bybit is Australia's #1 crypto exchange and crypto app, and you receive FREE $10 BTC when you deposit $100, with this referral code.

CoinSpot, Australia's #2 crypto platform offers $20 Bitcoin FREE when you sign up with this code.

Swyftx, another top crypto exchange has $20 FREE Bitcoin for new users who register using this link. provides all its content for informational purposes only, and this should not be taken as financial advice to buy, trade or sell cryptocurrency or use any specific exchange. Please do not use this website as investment advice, financial advice or legal advice, and each individual's needs may vary from that of the author. This post includes affiliate links with our partners who may compensate us. 

To view our privacy policy read this.

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